Registration Banner to be provided
Important:For Trainees and Healthcare staff in HA, CHP and DH, fee for lunch reservation, HKD 150 and HKD 200 is required respectively.
Meeting Secretariat will contact you for the payment arrangement if you register for lunch.

Date:24 June 2023 (Saturday)
Time:12:00 – 13:00 (Registration)
12:00 – 13:00 (Lunch)
13:00 – 16:35 (Meeting)
Venue:Regency Ballroom, Lobby Level, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong
19 Hanoi Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
For more information about the meeting, please visit

Please complete the following information and click "Submit" button. Online regisration will be closed at 17:00 on 21 June 2023 (Wednesday).
Lunch Reservation *
Please indicate if you are going to join the Lunch at 12:00 noon.