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2. How would you rate the topics and speakers? *
European experience of IV medication safety
Dr David Whitaker, UK
up to date & inspiringgood reviewnothing newnot relevant
up to date & inspiring
good review
nothing new
not relevant
Pharmacoeconomics of pre-filled syringes for anaesthesia care
Professor Dan Benhamou, France
up to date & inspiringgood reviewnothing newnot relevant
up to date & inspiring
good review
nothing new
not relevant
Past, present and future: optimization of medication safety in Hong Kong
Dr Carmen WS Chan, Hong Kong
up to date & inspiringgood reviewnothing newnot relevant
up to date & inspiring
good review
nothing new
not relevant
APAC overview of IV medication safety: consensus on the management of hypotension during Caesarean sections
Dr Suraphong Lorsomradee; APAC Patient Safety expert panel
up to date & inspiringgood reviewnothing newnot relevant
up to date & inspiring
good review
nothing new
not relevant
Evolution: from guidelines to practice for vasopressor practice in Vietnam
Associate Professor Cong Quyet Thang, Vietnam
up to date & inspiringgood reviewnothing newnot relevant
up to date & inspiring
good review
nothing new
not relevant
Cost effectiveness of injectable drugs in Vietnam: results from the HECON study
MSc Nguyen Thi Ha, Vietnam
up to date & inspiringgood reviewnothing newnot relevant
up to date & inspiring
good review
nothing new
not relevant