You have been invited to participate in this Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) development project because of your professional standing and expertise. To ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of the CPG, we kindly request that you disclose any potential conflicts of interest (COI) that may have arisen within the past 12 months (October 2022–October 2023). This includes financial, material, intellectual or other personal interests that could potentially influence your judgment on the issues addressed by this CPG. We kindly ask you to disclose not only your own potential COI but also those of your immediate family members.

Please note that the purpose of this declaration is not to incriminate or vilify any individual. Instead, it is intended to identify and manage potential COI so that users of the CPG can be reassured that the recommendations are based solely on the best interests of patients.

All declarations will be carefully evaluated by a COI Review Committee (COIRC). The committee will determine if these are true COI and classify according to the following criteria:

1. True COI

This refers to situations where a professional obligation or judgement may be influenced by the declared personal interest. COI affect the credibility of professional actions or recommendations. It is important to note that the existence of a true COI does not necessarily reflect on a person's integrity unless it is deliberately concealed from public scrutiny.

2. Primary COI

This category pertains to personal interests directly related to the exact disease, diagnostic test, treatment, procedure, or other technology being evaluated in a CPG. Primary COIs may include the COI of individuals, their spouses or partners, their siblings, or their offspring. An example of a primary COI is receiving honoraria for lectures on a treatment being addressed by a CPG.

3. Secondary COI

This refers to personal interests indirectly relate to the disease, diagnostic test, treatment, or other technology being evaluated in a CPG. These interests are indirect in nature because they refer to associations with a person, agency, or institution with a primary COI. An example of secondary COI is receiving honoraria for lectures on a treatment not addressed by the CPG but manufactured by a company with direct financial or commercial interests in the CPG.

4. Financial COI

This is a situation where there is a history of accepting of remuneration or material benefits from entities with commercial interests in issues addressed by the CPG. Examples include stocks, stock options, warrants, bonds, patents, salaries, honoraria, or other material benefits. Often, but not always, the COIRC will be focusing on financial COI within the past 12 months (October 2022October 2023).

5. Non-financial COI

Refers to conflicting personal interests that are non-financial in nature. These interests may include gains in academic stature, public image, or popularity. For example, previous statements, declarations, publications, or associations that may predispose individuals to pre-judgment on issues that are yet to be resolved by the CPG can represent non-financial COI.

As stated above, COI are not actions, but rather situations that may arise. The COIRC may contact you for further clarification regarding your declarations. The COIRC has thoroughly deliberated and will determine how to manage your participation in the following four ways:

1. Allowable: Participation with no constraints

2. Manageable with minor constraints: Participation is allowed with minor constraints e.g., COI should be declared during panel discussions

3. Manageable with major constraints: Participation is allowed with major restrictions e.g., voting is disallowed

4. Disqualified: Participation is disallowed

The restrictions may apply to the development of the entire CPG or specific sections of the development process. The COIRC will provide detailed specifics of the constraints to the affected participants. For example, a participant with minor constraints may be allowed to discuss and vote on certain issues, with panel members consistently reminded about their COI. In contrast, a participant with major constraints might be allowed to participate in discussions but not permitted to vote.

Please take time to complete this form and thoroughly consider your declarations. If there is any uncertainly, it would be better to declare any potential conflicts. This way, the COIRC can assess the situation, determine its impact on the credibility of the CPG, and make recommendations.

Thank you for your willingness to participate in this CPG development process.

PART ONE: Personal information

Please note your personal information will remain confidential

PART TWO: Role in the CPG development process

PART THREE: COI declarations

A. Financial interests

1. Employment

2. Financial aid for research, programmes, or projects

3. Educational activities

4. Investments and other financial interests

5. Intellectual property

B. Non-financial interests

1. Authorship

2. Editorial positions

3. Projects or programmes

4. Government or international agencies

5. Private organisations

6. Prior public statements

C. Other declarations

Please note that while your contact information will not be shared publicly, your declarations may be made available upon request.

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