Tuesday, 20 September 2022 (19:00–20:45 HKT)

Day 1


Welcome and Introduction
Jonathan Asprer
Hong Kong


Current evidence on ketoanalogue therapy in the nutritional management of CKD (including DKD and long-term effects)
Liliana Garneata 


Ketoanalogue therapy: Rationale and mechanisms
Heidi Schuster


Value of multidisciplinary collaboration: Dietitian’s role
Wai Pooi Lau 


Interactive in-depth discussion


Jonathan Asprer
Hong Kong



Professor Liliana Garneata

  • Head of the Nephrology Department at the Dr Carol Davila Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Bucharest, Romania
  • Associate Professor of Nephrology at the Dr Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Special interests include nutrition and metabolism in kidney disease, renalanemia, epidemiology of chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, kidney and pregnancy
  • Over 162 papers published in national and international journals
  • More than 200 national and international invited lectures
  • Recipient of several awards for clinical work
  • Author of various publications providing the latest evidence on the use of ketoanalogues in chronic kidney disease and diabetic kidney disease

Dr Heidi Schuster

  • Senior Manager Scientific Affairs & Liaison, Ketoanalogues (Ketosteril), Fresenius Kabi, Germany
  • Studies of Nutrition Science at the University Stuttgart Hohenheim, Germany in Prof. Peter Fürst’s laboratory
  • Completed a PhD Thesis on the “Influence of glutamine and precursors on ischemia-reperfusion injury” at the University Rene Descartes, Paris V, France – with a scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Author or co-author of several manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and presenter of various lectures on clinical nutrition, patent submissions
  • Member of the German Society of Clinical Nutrition (DGEM) and the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN)

Ms Wai Pooi Lau

  • Clinical dietitian in the Department of Dietetic at the University Malaya Medical Centre
  • Began professional career in private hospital in 2004 and joined the University Malaya Medical Centre in 2008
  • Joined the renal team at University Malaya Medical Centre in 2010 and works closely with Prof Lim Soo Kun, a consultant nephrologist
  • Actively gives diet counselling to CKD patients on haemodialysis including peritoneal dialysis and renal transplant
  • Member of the Malaysia Dietetic Association and life member of the Malaysia Diabetes Educator Society
  • Pursuing a Master in renal transplant at University Malaya